Control flow


The for-loop iterates over each element in the range expression. The range may be anything that has an iterator() method that returns an iterator.

void main() {
    println("the range can be any collection");
    for (var element in [1, 2, 3]) {

    println("or an exclusive numeric range");
    for (var element in 1..3) {

    println("or an inclusive numeric range");
    for (var element in 1...3) {


The while-loop loops until its condition evaluates to false.

void main() {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < 3) {
        println(i); // prints: 0 1 2


void main() {
    var answer = 42;

    if (answer == 0) {
        println("answer is zero");
    } else if (answer < 0) {
        println("answer is negative");
    } else {
        println("answer is ", answer);

    // If-expression, aka conditional expression, aka ternary expression.
    println("answer is ", answer == 42 ? "right" : "wrong");


Unlike in most C-based languages, the case bodies don’t fall through to the next by default, so you don’t have to manually break after each case.

void main() {
    var value = 0;

    switch (value) {
        case 0:
            println("value is zero");
        case 1:
            println("value is one");
            println("value is something else");


defer defers the execution of a statement to the exits of the current scope. This is useful for example when we need to perform some cleanup before returning. This avoids the mistake of forgetting to add necessary cleanup calls when we add a new return statement.

int main() {
    var p = malloc(sizeof(int)); // allocate some resource
    defer free(p); // defer deallocation of the resource

    if (p == null) {
        return 1; // free(p) will be called immediately before this return

    return 0; // free(p) will be called also before this return

Planned features