A struct
is a user-defined data type used to group variables into a single type. Additionally, structs may define member functions, that can be called on instances of the struct. Inside member functions, this
is a pointer to the instance that the function was called on.
struct Person {
string name;
int age;
*? friend;
Person// Specify default values so we don't have to specify them when we instantiate Person
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
void moveLeft() {
// Members may be accessed via 'this'
this.x -= 0.1;
void moveRight() {
// Or without 'this'
+= 0.1;
x }
void main() {
var foo = Person(name: "Foo", age: 42, friend: null);
var bar = Person(name: "Bar", age: 42, friend: foo);
.friend = bar;
.moveLeft(); // foo.x is now -0.1
foo.moveRight(); // bar.x is now 0.1